AGO Dutch Auction
Burn AIPX to acquire AGO, and access to the aiPX DAO
The AGO Dutch Auctions will be used to burn AIPX tokens while offering community members another way to acquire AGO tokens to participate in governance votes. While this won't be live at launch, this will begin within the first month of aiPX being live. The AGO Dutch Auction will include a preset starting price which decreases incrementally over the course of the 24 hour auction towards the floor price. With each committed AIPX token the current token price will increase. Participants will receive AGO tokens when the auction concludes proportional to the amount of AIPX they have committed to the auction. AIPX tokens used to purchase AGO during the auction will be burned. AGO can be claimed directly after the auction is finalized. If the auction fails, AIPX tokens will be returned to its participants. A further detailed explanation and tutorial will be added as we get closer to implementing the auction functionality.
Last updated